Wood Daymaster

Meet Wood Day Master… And Get to Know Yourself!

JIA (Yang Wood)

A tall, sturdy tree with deep roots…

Jia Wood Day Master individuals are independent, steadfast and determined. Just like a tree grows upright, being unafraid of reaching too tall or overpowering any other plants. Jia Wood people are straightforward in their actions, and frank and direct in their speech. They are a strong, solid tree with deep roots going down into the earth. Rooted trees are immovable unless chopped down. As a result, they can be stubborn and quite obstinate. It will take a lot of axe to cut them down to size.

Yi (Yin Wood)

Soft flowering plants and soft creeping ivy…

Yi Wood Day Master are cheerful and are full of ideas. They are quick-witted, tactful and diplomatic in talking to others. They look soft in their surface like seeds, but they will sprout from the soil. Yi Wood individuals project a pleasing, sophisticated air and are very well-mannered and soft-spoken. They needs a social network that is as wide as possible for creeping vines and flowering bushes will always find a way to reach the sunlight and stay alive.

Sasha Lee

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